Home For StudentsInternships and Career

Internships and Career


Studies are oriented to practical training, so internships are coordinated centrally in every faculty through four business practical learning enterprises (BPLE) where an activity of Business Company can be simulated. Also students have their internships in different companies, hotels and other, which are mainly our social partners. Students usually do not have less than 24 ECTS during their study period.

If you will be looking for traineeship opportunities:


The Center for Studies and Careers is a unit that coordinates the entire study process and provides student career management services to students.
You can visit the Center on Thursdays from 13.00 to 16.00. Here you will be able to express your opinion on one or another issue that is important to you, consult, receive information, ask for help with career issues. We guarantee confidentiality.

Klaipėdos valstybinė kolegija
Study and Career Center
Jaunystės st. 2, room 215
Tel .: +370 673 69077
Email: studijos.karjera@kvk.lt
Pre-registration by phone or email is required.


There are several sites that post job openings in various sectors – Individual job search.


Last updated: 2024-06-04
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