Home ProjectsCitizenship Laboratory

Citizenship Laboratory

Budget, Eur

Despite the programmes in place, the situation among young people is not improving, and according to a study by the Civil Society Institute, the Civic Empowerment Index for the 18-29 age group has fallen from 41.3 (2021) to 38.4 (2022). Political analyst D. Šlekys (Staggering statistics: conscripts hide from the Lithuanian Armed Forces in the face of threats | 15min.lt) notes that “even in the context of the war in Ukraine, the number of young people called up for service is not reaching the target. […] it is a question of the attitude of the whole state and society”. Klaipėda State College (KSC) provides quality higher education studies, trains in-demand specialists, implements projects, carries out applied research and dissemination of its results, and influences the region through social and cultural activities. According to the KVK reports (2022, 2023), the share of KVK students involved in volunteering activities is not high (7.1% in 2021; 10.9% in 2022; 14.94% in 2023). Most of the students involved in volunteering activities at the College gain their initial experience by participating in free blood donation campaigns, helping animal welfare organisations, volunteering in hospitals, museums, childcare institutions, etc. However, the number of students serving in the National Defence Volunteer Force or leaving for compulsory service is very low.


1. To provide students with essential knowledge, skills and civic will to strengthen Lithuania’s defence capabilities and societal resilience.

2. To provide students and young people with essential knowledge, skills and civic motivation in building Lithuania’s defence capability and resilience through engaging non-formal education methods.

Results and outcomes

Projekto “Pilietiškumo laboratorija” įgyvendinimas sukurs galimybę KVK bei projekto partnerių studentams (ir vaikinams, ir merginoms) suvokti kiekvieno Lietuvos piliečio įsitraukimo stiprinant Lietuvos gynybos pajėgumą ir visuomenės atsparumo grėsmėms svarbą, suteiks pasirengimui būtinų žinių, įgūdžių bei formuos jų pilietinę valią. Taip pat jaunimas labai daug laiko praleidžia skaitmeninėje erdvėje ir dažnu atveju ten vykstantiems įvykiams suteikia didesnę svarbą ir tikrumą, nei tam kas vyksta realioje erdvėje. Todėl būtina informuoti jaunimą kaip atpažinti antivalstybinį elgesį aplinkoje ir skaitmeninėje erdvėje, kaip elgtis valstybei nepalankių, pavojingų situacijų akivaizdoje, ekstremalių situacijų metu ir kt.


Klaipėda state college (KVK)


Lithuanian Naval University
Klaipėda University Student Union
Klaipėda State College Students' Representation

Contact person at KVK

Dr. Ilvija Pikturnaitė i.pikturnaite@kvk.lt

Last updated: 2024-06-18
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