Home Faculty of BusinessPre-school and Pre-primary School Pedagogy

Pre-school and Pre-primary School Pedagogy

Field of studies
Educational sciences
Professional Bachelor of Education Sciences, Teacher
Form and duration
Full-time (3 years)
Lithuanian language
Programme code

Why study this programme?

It is currently in high demand in the job market. The duration of the study programme and five pedagogical practices enable KVK student to acquire the knowledge and practical skills required for the specialty.

Study environment

The study programme is characterized by the interaction of theoretical and practical subjects. The programme focuses on the preparation of pre-school and pre-primary education teachers for work with pre-school and pre-school children. Lectures are given by foreign scientists, the kindergarten directors, deputy directors and teachers form Lithuanian education institutions. Practices are carried out in the whole region of Western as well abroad under Erasmus+ programme.


A graduate – pre-school and pre-primary education pedagogue will be able to work with children from birth until 7 years old in all pre-school and pre-primary educational institutions that provide fostering programmes.

Contact person

Audronė Čistienė Head of Pedagogy Department

We also offer

Goal of the program

To train pre-school and pre-primary pedagogue who has a background acquired in professional higher education and has an ability to recognize children’s general and individual development peculiarities, to determine essential needs of pre-school children and to individualize the ways of meeting them, to plan and organize the activities of pre-school and pre-primary aged children, to create the environment which stimulates physical and mental power of a child as well as to introduce a family into an active pedagogical interaction.


Study subjects (117 credits): Professional Language, Professional Foreign Language (English, German), Computer Literacy Skills Development, Management and Leadership in Preschool Institution, Pedagogy and Educational Systems, Preschool and Preprimary Education, Family Pedagogy, General Psychology, Developmental and Special Child Psychology, Social and Emotional Skills Training, Educational Program Development and Design, Educational Games, Language Education, World Studies, Inclusive Education, Performing Expression Development, Music Education, Methodology of Applied Research, Physical Education and Dance in Kindergarten, Final Paper of Pedagogy Studies, Philosophy of Education and Teaching Ethics, Folklore and Children’s Literature, Event Organization and Education in Drama, Child’s Health Education.

Study results

1. Knows the general and individual regularities of the child‘s physical, cognitive and psychosocial development, the most common developmental impairments and their causes.
2. Applies a variety of methods, approaches, strategies and technologies of preschool and preprimary education and assessment in the organization of the educational process.
3. Carries out research, analyses and interprets the data, and presents the results.
4. Identifies educational objectives and outcomes, strategies and teaching aids taking into consideration the learners‘ individual progress and achievements.
5. Selects educational content, methods and technologies to engage the children with special educational needs into the educational process taking into account the principles of differentiation and individualization.
6. Creates a safe and tolerant educational environment, engaging learners into interaction and partnership, stimulating the child‘s physical and mental abilities.
7. Identifies the characteristics of the learner‘s family and develops techniques to involve the family into educational interaction and partnership.
8. Develops communication and cooperation with other participants in the educational process in interdisciplinary and intercultural environments adhering to the principles of professional ethics.
9. Makes personal career plans and assumes responsibility for the results of one‘s activity.
10. Uses the Lithuanian language (spoken and written) correctly and a foreign language at B2 proficiency level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages for academic and professional purposes.).



Lithuanian language and literature


Mathematics or Information Technologies




Weighting factor for any subject that does not overlap with the first and second