Home Faculty of TechnologiesConstruction Engineering

Construction Engineering

Field of studies
Professional Bachelor of Engineering Sciences
Form and duration
Full-time (3 years)
Lithuanian language
Programme code

Why study this programme?

Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences is the only in Western Lithuania region that implements collegiate studies in Construction Engineering. The graduates of the construction study programme work in various construction business companies, thus contributing to the creation of the urbanized environment of the Klaipėda region. Students are provided with conditions to do internships in certified companies – leaders in their field, performing construction works of various objects.

Study environment

During the study process students are able to evaluate the properties of building materials, products, field of application and are able to apply in the design and construction of structures; they use advanced design technologies and information modeling systems for designing and building information design of constructional works, are able to preparation of cost estimates; plans and organizes the construction works applying modern construction technologies and modern methods of management of construction.


Graduates will be able to pursue a career in construction engineers: construction work executives, technical maintenance of building construction, Estimators in various construction, design companies and public organizations. Have a great opportunity to create a private business.

Contact person

Dainora Jankauskienė Head of Environmental and Civil Engineering Department

We also offer

Goal of the program

The aim of Professional Bachelor study programme of Construction Engineering is to prepare highly qualified construction engineers, who are able to assess the building materials, product characteristics, field of application and modern construction technologies and who are able to use the most advanced design and modeling systems of construction information as well as organizing of construction works and preparation of estimated outlay documentation.


Study subjects (121 credits): Professional Communication, Applied Research Methodology, Foreign Language (English, Russian),Basics of Management, Construction Materials, Applied Chemistry, Engineering and Special Graphics, Applied Mechanics, Environmental and Human Safety, Construction Law, Geotechnics, Constructions of Buildings, Construction Calculations, Engineering Systems of Buildings, Construction Organization, Business Economics of Construction, Information Modeling of Buildings, Industrial Building Constructions, Industrial Building Technology, Building Reconstruction and Repair Technology, Structural Modeling in BIM Environment, Construction Project Management.

Study results

1. Know and apply common patterns and laws of natural sciences and mathematics in civil engineering.
2. Know, understand and apply the key concepts of the study field of civil engineering.
3. Analyze problems related to construction activity by planning their solution strategies.
4. Interpret the processed data to solve the problems of innovation in construction.
5. Collect independently, analyze, process and interpret data necessary problem solving in implementing innovations in the area of construction.
6. Recognize and apply professional solutions in order to achieve balance in terms of costs, benefit, safety, quality, reliability, suitability for use and environmental impact.
7. Find and interpret professional information in databases and scientific and engineering information sources.
8. Conduct experiments by using laboratory equipment, process and produce practical conclusions on the findings in the area of civil engineering.
9. Prepare the structural part of a project and choose optimum construction methods taking into consideration the construction environment, aesthetic and architectural aspects, economic factors and anticipated maintenance conditions.
10. Apply of International, European and Lithuanian regulatory technical construction documents and standards in the designing of buildings and construction process.
11. Plan and organize of the construction process, while ensuring quality of works and environmental and human safety.
12. Use of information technology and basic software, employment of applications in the designing of buildings and preparation of estimate documentation.
13. Apply creative, innovative and reasonable thinking, ability to solve problems of civil engineering and handle issues individually and in a team.
14. Know the key processes of construction project implementation and management, planning and organization of activities of a construction company/subsidiary.







Lithuanian language and literature


Weighting factor for any subject that does not overlap with the first and second