Home Faculty of TechnologiesFood Technologies

Food Technologies

Field of studies
Technology science
Professional Bachelor of Technological Sciences
Form and duration
Full-time (3 years)
Lithuanian language
Programme code

Why study this programme?

Food Technology study programme is the only one in Western Lithuania that trains food specialists with higher education, and the orientation towards fish products producers in the Western Lithuania region differs from other study programmes in the field of Food Technology by mastering new and modern fish production technologies.
This study programme should be chosen by those who like to experiment in the kitchen, for whom the quality of food is important, because the main goal of the work of a food technologist is to create delicious, healthy, nutritious and attractive foods and organize their production. Knowledge of production, knowledge and practical skills in food chemistry, microbiology, nutrition, engineering, business management and economics are not enough to produce it.
The food industry is one of the most important and largest branches of the Lithuanian economy, the volumes of food production and exports are constantly growing, and the requirements for product quality and safety are increasing, therefore the graduates of the programme have good opportunities to get a job or start their own business.

Study environment

The programme focuses on the needs of Western Lithuania, with a focus on technologies of fish production.


A graduate will have access to work in food production enterprises and public catering establishments as a technologist, a master, a laboratory worker, a representative on quality and safety of foodstuffs or create and manage own company.

Contact person

Sigutė Ežerskienė Head of Food Technology and Nutrition Department

We also offer

Goal of the program

To train highly qualified food technology specialists who possess the knowledge, practical abilities and skills that are required for the development of new products with an ability to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis. To ensure the improvement of existing food production technology and the introduction of new ones, and to provide solutions to technological problems by ensuring the quality of food products and safety at food processing and catering companies.


Study subjects (126 credits): Philosophy / Psychology, Professional Foreign Language (English), Applied Research Methodology, Professional Communication; Mathematics, General Chemistry, Computer Information Management, Computer Graphics, Physical Chemistry and Analysis, Introduction to Food Technologies, Basics of Applied Mechanics, Environmental and Human Safety, Microbiology and Sanitation, Food Chemistry and Analysis, Nutrition, Organic Chemistry and Basics of Biochemistry, Food Business Economics, Basics of Management, Food Law, Food of Vegetable Origin Technologies and Equipment, Food of Animal Origin Technologies and Equipment, Sensory Analysis, Management of Food Quality and Safety, Laboratory Testing of Food, Food Industry Processes Engineering.
Practices (36 credits): Cognitive Practical Training, Business Practical Training, Food Production Process Investigation, Food Technologies Practical Training, Final Practical Training.
Optional subjects (6 credits).
Graduation Paper (12 credits).

Study results

1. Knows the food technology essential theoretical basics and links them with the knowledge of general subjects.
2. Has knowledge of the chemical composition, nutritional value, quality requirements, and methods of microbiological, physical, chemical and sensory analysis of food.
3. Knows the methods of food production, changes in the production during processing and storage of food, principles of technological equipment selection, placement, operation and usage.
4. Is able to apply food science and technology knowledge in the analysis of food production processes, and the microbiological, physical, chemical, and sensory analysis.
5. Applies the international, European and Lithuanian normative documents, standards, governing food production and safety.
6. Is able to apply food technology project methodologies and food technology expertise for development of new food products and for improving production process.
7. Is able to prepare technological and project estimate documentation, and is aware of business management aspects.
8. Is able to systematize the necessary professional information, perform experiments, process the data thereof, and draw conclusions about the quality of products.
9. Has skills necessary for working with technological and laboratory equipment to carry out the physical, chemical and microbiological analysis of food.
10. Is able to choose suitable raw materials, ingredients, equipment, tools and techniques and apply them to food technology.
11. Is able to ensure food safety and quality throughout the food chain.
12. Is able to control food production processes, apply the principles of work organization in accordance with work safety, environmental safety, ethical and commercial principles.
13. Is able to work effectively both individually and in a team, realize the importance of lifelong learning and be ready for that.
14. Is able to communicate with the food technology experts, colleagues and the general public in correct Lithuanian and at least one foreign language.
15. Has organizational skills displayed as the ability to make and implement solutions, to understand the effects of technological solutions on society and the environment, and comply with professional ethics.







Lithuanian language and literature


Weighting factor for any subject that does not overlap with the first and second

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